US Seller Central Pet Care Brand

Assortment Expansion

The Challenge

What The Brand Needed

Our client’s sales were increasing, but the growth rate was too conservative.

With a catalog size limited to 3 products (one of which actively being discontinued), the client was in need of a strategy to drive revenue growth.

The Solution

How We Helped

Step 1: The Bobsled team identified and opportunity for catalog expansion through an offer of a smaller pack size of the brand’s top selling ASIN.

Step 2: Developed a listing creation, product promotion and advertising strategy to launch the new ASIN and drive sales.

Step 3: Launched the new product in March and facilitated sales through promotions and advertising.

The Results


180% Sales Increase

We managed to increase the oredered product sales with 180% in 5 months.

Sessions & Units Ordered

Steady Increase

We managed to increase both the sessions and units ordered in a period of 5 months.

From 32 to 123 Units Ordered


Conversion Rate

31.19% CR Increase

We managed to increase the conversion rate
for our client from 17.76% to 48.95% in 5 months.

From 17.76% to 48.95%

"We are truly pleased with our entire Bobsled Team! Jordan, Nikola and Ivana are AMAZING. Each person individually is incredibly supportive and show a real genuine interest in the success of our Brand growth. They are responsive, smart, friendly, and deliver strong results!"

US Seller Central Pet Care Brand

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