Retail Media’s Measurement Problem – Industry Must Solve Standardization Issue to Meet Growth Projections

Kiri Masters, Head of Retail Strategy at Acadia is quoted in Ad Age on March 9, 2023.

“It’s the cost to the executives of trying to figure out how much do we allocate to this channel versus that and how do we know we’re making the right decision—once you start pulling on that thread of all the decisions that need to be made, there are a lot of them.”

  • Kiri Masters, Head of Retail Strategy at Acadia

This article summarizes some key issues in the retail media landscape:

  1. Each retailer requires different assets from brands, making it costly/cumbersome to manage
  2. "Black box" of attribution with a sense that without standards, retailers can grade their own homework with regards to how they measure results
  3. The sheer number of retail media networks to consider (time-consuming to first vet and then ultimately manage)

Despite the current challenges, we still find that retail media can be extremely effective for brands in terms of both cost and quality of customer acquisition.

Read the full article: “Retail Media’s Measurement Problem: Industry Must Solve Standardization Issue To Meet Growth Projections” published by Ad Age on March 9, 2023

Kiri Masters