Maggiano’s Case Study
Maggiano’s is known for its delicious food, friendly service and dine-in and take-out options. Their 50 unique locations cover the city to suburbia.
Maggiano’s had been running conventional, one-size-fits-all advertising on TV and national outlets and receiving unequal returns from their efforts.
With national competitors stealing their share, Maggiano’s needed a way to stand out and bring customers in.
Acadia came to the table with a plan: Don’t guess at right, get to right. We became TEST OBSESSED, testing every possible angle and avenue to see what drew the highest ROI.
We began by treating every Maggiano’s location individually, targeting a radius around the restaurant and varying it for urban and suburban locations. Test and control groups revealed that urban versus suburban was a main driver for search and paid.
With these insights, Maggiano’s could spend its scarce marketing budget more thoughtfully. Did close-up shots of plated food perform better, or were customers more drawn to at-home scenarios? Was copy about convenience, restaurant experience or value more impactful? Did pro photos perform better or was UGC more compelling?
Acadia tested the right things, not just the easy ones. Our always-on digital dashboard allowed us to relentlessly review first-party data for key insights. Since launch, Maggiano’s has seen an 2x increase in store visits attributed to its ads.
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Turn your diminishing returns into focused growth and holistic marketing strategies.