
At Acadia, we believe in honesty and transparency. That’s why when it comes to Programmatic buying, you’ll always know how your ad dollars support your marketing goals. Not only do we deliver metrics on who is engaging with your campaign—we have a dedicated in-house team working to help clients reach their unique KPI goals and stay within budget.


Cross-Trained Professionals

Acadia cross-trained professionals are just one point of difference from our competitors. Members of our biddable team are certified across all paid media channels—always up-to-date and ahead of the curve. Additionally, our cross-trained team members allow our agency to remain nimble and reallocate resources to meet the needs of our clients.

Programmatic Services

Acadia helps your display ads achieve concrete results. That means connecting the right ad to the right person. To do this, we increase ad visibility through social pages, paid search, and customer acquisition—all while driving sales to e-commerce or brick-and-mortar. Programmatic Display Advertising through social accomplish a variety of things: